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Creative Magick  & Cosmic Blessings:
An Inner Goddess Sadhana

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You are the temple. Creative magick is your practice. Cosmic blessings are the gifts of the Goddess.

Creative Magick  & Cosmic Blessings:
An Inner Goddess Sadhana


Pure creativity
is something better
than a necessity; it’s a gift. It’s the frosting.
Our creativity is a wild and unexpected bonus from the universe.

Elizabeth Gilbert


You are magick!

Creative Magick & Cosmic Blessings is An Inner Goddess Sadhana, and a daily spiritual practice of allowing. As we allow innate creative energy to flow through our body, mind and spirit in sacred unity with the divine Shakti (our inner goddess), we are granted an opportunity to express our true self in magickal and empowering ways, which opens our heart to receive blessings from the loving universe.



Do you crave lusciousness; juiciness? Are you ready to receive once-in-a-life time blessings? Do you want to be more creative, spiritually vibrant, playful, sensual or authentic? Do you need 'something' and intuitively know it can only be found within your own inner depths? Are you ready to empower your inner goddess and fully embody her in joyful ways?

Each day is an invitation to show up for yourself, to 

honor and give life to your creative magick. The act of embodying your inner goddess and giving her a voice, or a way to be known, is a powerful way to say "Yes", "More please" & 'Thank you" to the outpouring of blessings from the cosmic holy Mystery/Universe. Being creative is both a divine feminine and a divine 

masculine gift that brings balance to us on every level. The sacred unity of spirit and matter opens the channel for all that we desire to come to us. Remember: The Universe delights in saying YES, to us!

Receive the gift of creative self expression.

You are magick!

Free your inner goddess

This Sadhana is dedicated to our wild inner self, to her exploration and self expression, to receiving. . .

The goddess dwells within each of us. Her presence and guiding wisdom is, and has always been, a divine cosmic gift. During the 21 days of this sadhana she is receiving us! She is asking us to delve a little deeper into our own soulful essence to find her waiting. She wants to reveal herself to us in more profound ways: as a muse, as an inner voice of wisdom, as an omen or oracle, even as a wild, playful, magickal mermaid, and especially, as our most authentic and soulful version of self. She lovingly encourages us to look within, to take the necessary steps for our practice, to be daring, to express ourselves without censorship, to open ourselves and make space for who we truly are, for what we longingly want to have and receive, and to bring forth into the world.

The act of creating magick is simply the willingness to open our mind, eyes and heart to the infinite possibilities within our self and life; which allows the vast wonder of the universe to pour forth its secrets, its wisdom, and its blessings upon us in ways that inspire, delight and bless all of us, abundantly!


The universe buries strange jewels
deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them.

Elizabeth Gilbert


Receive the gifts hidden within yourself.

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Pink Smoke
If you're alive,
you're a creative person. . . 

A creative life is an amplified life.
It’s a bigger life, a happier life,
an expanded life,
and a hell of a lot more interesting life. Living in this manner–
continuously and stubbornly
bringing for the jewels
that are hidden within you–
is a fine art, in and of itself.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Inner Goddess Sadhana

Beginning on the 12th of April and lasting until the 2nd of May, this 21 day sadhana is my love offering to you and your creatively magickal inner goddess.





12 April- 2 May 2022

What & Why:

A daily self-paced creative awareness practice of expressing your soulful magick and authenticity for the purpose of empowering your inner goddess, and claiming all the cosmic blessings. the Divine has reserved especially for you..
Each day, for 21 days, a keyword is offered as inspiration to awaken your inner goddess. Use it to lure Her from the dark depths within by practicing your innate magickal powers in creative ways. Write poetry or haiku, make love, move your body, give a massage, make art, paint, draw, collage, dance, cook, sew, knit, play, make music, take photos, build something, arrange flowers, sing, grow a garden, plant trees, carve, weave, choose a unique outfit to wear, make a sidewalk chalk mural, kiss, decorate, colour a mandala, do mudra, scry, whatever - just commit to being creative - allowing yourself some time alone with her... Create sacred space! Whatever you're guided to do - do that! Practice calling her forth by being - dreaming - playing - feeling - listening - seeing... Woo her.
The act of being creative - in your thinking, as well as in your actions - calls her to the surface of your consciousness. You will see traces of her in whatever creative thing you choose to do. She will leave little love notes, secret messages and amazing blessings for you to notice and appreciate. Sister, you will find her within yourself... I promise. And, when you do, honor her. Treasure her wisdom. Pay attention to her messages, her desires, her hunger. Celebrate her presence in your life in colour, in texture, in sensual flow and liquid vibrations... If you practice sadhana daily, by the end of 21 days, you will be in love! You will have discovered something you were not previously aware of... you will be inspired to continue your sacred path of beauty in ways that will enrich you life on every level. I hope you'll join us! I hope you will share your journey with our beloved sisterhood! We'd love to see your inner goddess!


Online, in the comfort of wherever you are. View on my website, on

The Gypsy Priestess Facebook page, &/or in your own email inbox.


It's FREE to follow along here on my website. Yet, your token of affection for The Gypsy Priestess in the form of a Love Offering (any amount, or any other loving energy exchange) entitles you to receive my Creative Magick & Cosmic Blessings: An Inner Goddess Sadhana Guidebook.. Visit my Facebook page and participate in our private Facebook sisterhood group for inspiration and additional guidance.



To ensure that your request for a Guidebook is honored, please provide your email address and your Facebook profile name (if different than the one used at time of donation), also, please add a note stating your donation is dedicated to: Goddess Sadhana. 


All gifts are deeply appreciated as the sole support for my Priestess work.

Thank you!

Open & receive the gift of cosmic blessings.

You are magick!
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You are magick!

words and thoughts
are magick! cast
them wisely.

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