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Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning 'circle'.

Circles, spiritually and ritualistically, symbolize the energy of woman and life. 

As ancient symbols of wisdom, mandalas represent wholeness and completion. 

THE FLOWER OF LIFE is honored by many religions and cultures around the world. It is the oldest mandala known, and shares deep wisdom if we are willing to delve within and seek its truth.
Within the boundary of a mandala, all the magick and mystery of the entire universe is contained! Imagine... by creating art within this sacred circle where the source of all life and creativity dwell; we are able to tap into the hidden realms of our own deep essence in ways we might not, otherwise. This is truly profound, if you think about it...
As we create art, we naturally enter into a meditative state: our bodies relax, our thoughts become calm. From this space of inner serenity, our psyche and spirit are able to access our truth and manifest it physically. Often, what comes forth is our own secret soul language, which is deeply symbolic in nature.
The Gypsy Priestess is naturally fluent in the secret language of soul. Deciphering and decoding the symbolic wisdom hidden within the placement of a circle was an art she learned long ago from one of her spiritual teachers. As she expanded on this wisdom, she discovered mandala art to be a powerful oracle, and tool for insightful awakenings.
She invites you to meditatively delve deep within your heart space and express your unique and symbolic soul language by creating your own therapeutic art mandala.
Sacred Flower Mandala Readings reveal and integrate your hidden wisdom by bringing it into conscious awareness and unity on every level for deeper understanding, grace, healing, release, blessing, empowerment and enlightenment.

goddess flower

Create Your Sacred Flower Mandala


Gather Desired Materials -

Depending on your personal style and need for expression, an unlimited variety of materials may be used, including: metallic ink, quill, pencil, gel pens, gold leaf, glass, coloured pencils, crayons, paints, yarn, glitter, collage images, fabric, ribbon, found art, photographs, dried flowers, etc. Paint, draw, collage, write, doodle, or whatever. It's your choice.


Click on the Flower Mandala (left) to download a copy of the Flower Mandala. Use this template to create your mandala art, whether you wish to receive a reading, or not.



Create your Sacred Flower Mandala -


​The magick is in you and within the sacred flower mandala circle! Whether you contemplate and pre-plan exactly what you envision or intend to create, begin with a vague idea, or spontaneously flow in the moment, please be patient, open and nonjudgmental of yourself, with the process and what comes forth. Let it evolve naturally. Try not to force  perfection. Within the circle you can make art, dream, or create a new reality for yourself by placing images, words, or symbols to represent all that you desire or need. Your imagination is the limit. Make one mandala, or many. 

My first mandala is an example. I share it so that you can see that your creation does not need to be formal 'art', nor does one need to identify as an artist to create a mandala. Whether you desire to make a symmetrical, traditional, or an expressive mandala, allow your unique creativity free reign. Remember: Let this be a playful self expression. Have Fun!

Purchase & Submit Your Sacred Mandala

for a Personalized Reading by The Gypsy Priestess:


  1. Click image link to purchase.

  2. Download & print mandala.

  3. Work you creative mandala magick.

  4. Take a photograph or scan it. 

  5. Email it to:

  6. Anticipate, while enjoying your mandala art.

  7. Receive Mandala Reading in 2 - 10 days. 

All readings arrive via email in pdf form. Yours to keep, print, refer to & enjoy for years to come.

Each reading is as unique as the one-of-a-kind art you create. Your mood, thoughts, present reality, secret desires, soul essence &
sacred intentions are revealed in your art. Thank you for allowing me to witness your inner goddess & share the message revealed to me.
May it speak to the depths of your heart and bless you abundantly.
                                                                                     Leesa - The Gypsy Priestess


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