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Goddess Within
hear my prayer 
that I may remember my true essence. 
I am She Who Has Forgotten
that darkness
and change
and uncertainty
offer hidden blessings.
I am She Who Is Lost
to my past... to pain.

I am She Who has
forgotten how worthy I am
of love, respect and honor.

I am also She Who
wants to be like a butterfly.
I am weary
of living in this state of goo.
I am ready to emerge
into She Who is free.

Show me how to be:

I am She Who Trusts
that miracles and magick exist.
I am She Who is Becoming
more and more 
I am She Who Listens
to the voice of inner truth.
I am She Who Follows
her secret heart.
I am She Who Let's Go
in order to be free.
I am She Who Shall
into the me
I cannot yet see.
I am She Who Shall
Spread my Wings
and fly
bravely into the life
I dream for myself....

Goddess Self (LOVE) Empowerment Prayer

Each butterfly has a message for you....

Remember nothing ever remains the same. Be open to change. Embrace the unknown. Trust and love your self and your journey...
You are a true wonder!

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